Understanding Asexuality: 13 Asexual People Explain What Things Can Turn Them On

Curious to learn about the diverse perspectives on human sexuality? We've got insights from 13 individuals that will open your eyes to the world of asexual desires. These personal accounts shed light on the unique experiences of those who identify as asexual. If you're ready to expand your understanding and gain new perspectives, check out these eye-opening stories at this link.

As the world becomes more inclusive and diverse, it's important to understand and appreciate the spectrum of human sexuality. Asexuality is a sexual orientation where individuals do not experience sexual attraction to others. However, this does not mean that asexual people do not experience arousal or have the capacity to be turned on. In fact, asexual individuals can still have a range of experiences and desires that can lead to arousal and pleasure. In this article, we'll explore what can turn on 13 asexual people, shedding light on the diversity of human sexuality and providing insights for those interested in dating asexual individuals.

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Emotional Connection and Intimacy

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For many asexual people, emotional connection and intimacy play a significant role in what can turn them on. While they may not experience sexual attraction, the bond and closeness they share with a partner can lead to feelings of arousal. This can include deep conversations, sharing personal thoughts and feelings, and feeling understood and accepted by their partner.

Sensual Touch and Physical Affection

Sensual touch and physical affection can also be a turn-on for asexual individuals. This can range from gentle caresses, cuddling, and holding hands to massages and other forms of non-sexual touch. The sensation of physical closeness and the emotional connection that accompanies it can be a source of arousal for many asexual people.

Romantic Gestures and Acts of Love

Romantic gestures and acts of love can also elicit arousal for asexual individuals. This can include receiving love letters, thoughtful gifts, and surprise dates. The expression of love and appreciation from a partner can create feelings of warmth and arousal, even in the absence of sexual attraction.

Intellectual Stimulation and Shared Interests

Many asexual people find intellectual stimulation and shared interests to be a turn-on. Engaging in deep conversations, exploring new ideas, and sharing hobbies and passions with a partner can lead to feelings of excitement and arousal. The mental connection and compatibility can be a powerful source of turn-on for asexual individuals.

Embracing Sensuality and Body Positivity

Embracing sensuality and body positivity can also be a turn-on for asexual individuals. This can involve exploring and enjoying physical sensations, such as the feeling of soft fabrics or the taste of delicious food. Additionally, feeling comfortable and confident in one's own body can lead to a sense of empowerment and arousal.

Exploring Non-Sexual Intimacy and Pleasure

For many asexual individuals, exploring non-sexual intimacy and pleasure can be a source of arousal. This can include activities such as cuddling, kissing, and engaging in sensual massages. The focus is on experiencing physical closeness and pleasure without the pressure of sexual activity.

Creating a Safe and Trusting Environment

Creating a safe and trusting environment is essential for asexual individuals to feel turned on. This can involve establishing clear boundaries, open communication, and mutual respect within the relationship. Feeling safe and secure with a partner can lead to feelings of relaxation and arousal.

Building Emotional Connection and Trust

Building emotional connection and trust is a key factor in what can turn on asexual individuals. This can involve taking the time to get to know each other, supporting one another through challenges, and being there for each other during difficult times. The emotional bond and trust that develops can lead to feelings of arousal.

Exploring Aesthetic and Sensory Pleasures

Exploring aesthetic and sensory pleasures can also be a source of turn-on for asexual individuals. This can involve appreciating beautiful art, enjoying nature, and savoring delicious food. Engaging in activities that stimulate the senses can lead to feelings of pleasure and arousal.

Finding Comfort and Security

Finding comfort and security in a relationship can be a turn-on for asexual individuals. This can involve feeling supported and cared for by a partner, creating a sense of stability and safety. Feeling secure in the relationship can lead to feelings of relaxation and arousal.

Celebrating Emotional Intimacy and Connection

Celebrating emotional intimacy and connection is a significant source of turn-on for asexual individuals. This can involve expressing love, appreciation, and affection for a partner, creating a sense of warmth and closeness. The emotional connection and intimacy can lead to feelings of arousal and pleasure.

Engaging in Non-Sexual Acts of Affection

Engaging in non-sexual acts of affection is a key aspect of what can turn on asexual individuals. This can include hugging, cuddling, and physical touch that is focused on creating a sense of closeness and comfort. The expression of affection can lead to feelings of arousal.

Fostering Mutual Respect and Understanding

Fostering mutual respect and understanding in a relationship is essential for asexual individuals to feel turned on. This can involve recognizing and honoring each other's boundaries, preferences, and needs. Feeling understood and respected by a partner can lead to feelings of arousal and pleasure.


As we've explored in this article, asexual individuals can experience a range of desires and turn-ons that are not necessarily tied to sexual attraction. By understanding and appreciating the diverse experiences of asexual people, we can create more inclusive and supportive dating environments. Whether you are asexual or interested in dating an asexual person, it's important to prioritize communication, respect, and mutual understanding in order to foster healthy and fulfilling relationships. By embracing the unique desires and turn-ons of asexual individuals, we can create more inclusive and fulfilling connections in the dating world.